Yarra Ranges Council is implementing ways to better manage the impacts of domestic waste water on the environment.
Poorly performing septic systems can cause harm by leaking into our waterways. The excess nutrients affect aquatic life and waterway conditions. They can also create unpleasant odours and soggy backyards.
Council is putting recommendations into place based on an audit by the Victorian Auditor General.
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Yarra Valley Water were also given recommendations to work more collaboratively, to create a more effective way of dealing with the problem that is faced by many councils.
In response, Council has provided an action plan to the State Government and dedicated additional resources, to ensure Council finalises a Domestic Wastewater Management Plan over the next 12–18 months and implements all audit recommendations.
The recommendations for Yarra Ranges Council were to:
Consult with water authorities including the EPA, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and other key stakeholders as part of undertaking the integrated water cycle management planning processes. To ensure that the management of stormwater, floods, alternative water supplies and drinking water supplies are considered as part of the management of domestic wastewater risks. Implement a rolling annual program of compliance inspections for high‐risk properties and townships to bring onsite systems in line with permit and/or policy requirements and to follow‐up any noncompliance. Develop and implement a data management plan to collect accurate information on the number, location and performance of onsite systems to identify areas for collection based on highest to lowest risk. Develop an education plan to inform property owners of their responsibilities and requirements to maintain and upgrade their onsite systems as required. This must include an evaluation framework to assess its effectiveness. Finalise the Domestic Wastewater Management Plan by 2019, identifying high risk unsewered townships for servicing in collaboration with Yarra Valley Water, the community and other key stakeholders. The municipality has a large number of onsite waste water systems and a lack of reticulated sewers. Yarra Valley Water is working to connect properties to sewerage in Monbulk, as part of The Monbulk Sewerage Project.