Airport one-hour free parking is back

Posted on September 27, 2018

Emerald Airport will revert to providing one hour of free parking to customers after a decision by council to scrap the previous half-hour limit.

Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Kerry Hayes said the decision to allow an hour free parking was based on recognising the needs of people using the airport.

‘Through feedback from community engagement, people said that half an hour is not enough time to accompany passengers through check-in and spend time with them until the plane departs,’ he said.

‘This particularly applies to families that use the airport to access schools and healthcare and people that travel long distances from across the region to use the airport.

‘Families who typically unload at the set-down that arrive early for flights can now use services and the airport café without the additional cost for parking.

‘Our fees and charges are lower than most regional airports and our focus is on welcoming customers and attracting more people to ensure carriers continue and grow their services to the region.’

For more information on airport fees and charges, click here.