Martin Street at Belgrave is undergoing a major road upgrade including road sealing with kerb and channel, funded by residents through a special charge scheme and the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery program.

Residents will contribute approximately $190,000 towards the cost of the project, while the Federal Government has provided $254,000.

The $514,000 project involves Council sealing 320m of Martin Street from Merrigum Lane to 26 Martin Street.

The project will include $40,000 in water sensitive urban design works funded jointly by Melbourne Water and Council, at no cost to landowners.

Director of Environment and Engineering Mark Varmalis said special charge schemes helped to meet the high demand for infrastructure improvements within the municipality.

"It's the best way for Council to fund road construction projects, as we currently have 760km of unmade roads in the Yarra Ranges which cannot all be sealed by Council alone,” Mr Varmalis said.

“Council manages its unsealed road network through a regular annual grading program.

“If residents would like to have their roads sealed, it requires a process of engagement with all the landowners involved.”

Mr Varmalis said Council ensures that a significant level of support exists for the proposal.

“Having your road sealed provides better access to your home and a higher level of safety,” Mr Varmalis said.

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