Bairnsdale streetscape works set to start Monday 15 October

Stage three of the ‘Re-imagining Bairnsdale’ masterplan for the town’s central business district – streetscape works between Service Street and the mall along Nicholson Street - will start on Wednesday, October 17.

Cranes Asphalting and Bitumen Sealing is undertaking the streetscape project on Council’s behalf for $1,166,791 (ex GST), with the project designed to improve pedestrian access and provide opportunity for a vibrant outdoor culture.

Council settled on the final design following consultation with the community, businesses and affected landowners. The design includes raised pedestrian crossings, new tree plantings and seats, lighting, and footpath upgrades.

The first stage of the works starting this week relate to water main replacement. This work will avoid a future need for main replacement and disturbance of new streetscaping.

Traffic disruptions are to be expected while the works are in progress at the Nicholson and Service streets roundabout and in nearby parking lanes. Water main works are expected to be completed by the end of November and there will be some impact to parking during this period.

In the event water supply needs to be disrupted as part of new connections, East Gippsland Water will notify impacted customers.

Council has advised nearby businesses of the planned works and will also conduct a ‘walk and talk’ with the contractor on Monday morning. Although there will be minor impacts to parking, Council advises there is ample parking in the CBD.  For more detailed information about where people can park a car parking map is available from Council’s website and Customer Service Centres. If anyone needs further information they can contact Council on (03) 5153 9500.