A free public wash-down facility for 4WD vehicles has been installed in Collinsville today by Whitsunday Regional Council, in partnership with the North Queensland Dry Tropics Natural Resource Management group.

The new wash-down facility will help reduce the spread of noxious declared weeds such as prickly pear and lantana.

Division 4 Councillor, Peter Ramage, attended the official opening of the new wash-down facility earlier today.

“This new facility is completely free to use and will be an effective way to help stop the spread of noxious weeds around the region,” he said.

“We encourage all landholders to give it a try, and to consider installing a similar facility on their own farms to reduce the spread of weeds.”

The wash-down facility is located in Darby Munro Park in Collinsville, and Council is encouraging feedback from the public on the design and use of the facility.

This project was identified as an action in the Whitsunday Regional Biosecurity Strategy.

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