East Gippsland Shire Council has underpinned two new events that will showcase the region’s natural landscape and beauty, with funding for the next three years.
Under its Regional And District Events Sponsorship (RADES) program, Council has granted Thought Sports Pty Ltd $7,000 annually to run the Mitchell River Trail Run and $5,000 annually for the Mitchell River Extreme multisport event.
The Mitchell River Trail Run will cater for differing levels of ability, with courses ranging from a five-kilometre walk to a 42km run. The event will also help to establish a new local trail running adventure group in East Gippsland, which Council said should make the event sustainable within three years.
The new multisport event – The Mitchell River Extreme - will differ from other multisport events in that it will take place over two days and will include road cycling instead of mountain biking. The solo category will be fully supported with food, accommodation, transport during the race all covered by the race entry. The event course will include a bike, run, and kayak leg on each of the days. Competitors will be able to compete solo, in pairs or teams of three.
East Gippsland Shire Council Mayor Cr Joe Rettino said the events align with the Council Plan to attract new events and adventure based tourism to East Gippsland.
“These events fit well within Council’s plan to attract adventure tourism and new events to the region.
“Trail running and multi-sport events are growing in popularity and these new locally run events have the ability to promote our region’s natural assets.”
Both the trail run and multisport extreme are expected to attract a minimum of 100 people in the first year, with event schedules currently being developed.