The Big Project Funding Update

The Barossa Council will continue its push for future grant funds to implement the region’s largest community infrastructure project (Barossa Global Wine and Food Project), despite not progressing to the next stage of assessment for the Federal Government’s Regional Growth Fund process.

The $64million submission, in partnership with Chateau Tanunda, sought to deliver transformational infrastructure including sporting, cultural and commercial use tourism accommodation. Council was one of 337 applicants, with only 16 selected for the next stage. 

Achieving the vision of The Big Project was always based on obtaining grant and third party funding and delivering the program over the long term and this has not changed.  Council will seek feedback from the Commonwealth on how it can improve its applications and share this information with our stakeholders.

Council CEO, Martin McCarthy said, “While the result is disappointing, given the massive amount of work undertaken by the community representatives, Council members, staff and our support team in Canberra; the work is not lost.

“This work always needed to be done and it now means our detailed work for the entire Big Project is more advanced, putting us in a sound position to pursue new funding opportunities as they arise.

“Council remains committed to delivering The Big Project and investing in sport, recreation, arts and culture through this long term vision. With $17 million committed in our annual current budget and long term financial plan we will continue to pursue other funding opportunities.”

Council is now focussed on submitting an application through the Building Better Regions fund to deliver the Barossa Culture Hub project, in Tanunda.

“In addition to the Building Better Regions fund, we will also be turning our attention to the next round of funding opportunities that arise through State and Federal Government and third party funding, with the new Council in the New Year reviewing and setting the next set of targets and priorities,” said Mr McCarthy.

“So the message is keep positive and continue to support us in striving for more successful funding bids to deliver these initiatives as opportunities arise in the future.”