“For the week ending 26 October, the following key works were completed by Council staff”, noted Council’s Mayor, Cr. Ray Thompson.
“Within the urban Lithgow area, Council staff have focussed on asphalt repairs through Wallerawang and Lithgow as well as water service repairs at Carbine Street and Henderson Place as well as sewer repairs at Eskbank House and Mort Street Lane, Lithgow. However in addition to this, unsealed road maintenance has been progressing on Fields Road, Lawsons Long Alley and Hartley Vale Road, Little Hartley; work that has been much needed.”
“Outside of Lithgow, our rural works teams have continued their focus on the repair of our rural sealed road network after recent continued rainfall, with overtime occurring during rostered days off for a number of staff in an attempt to improve the condition of these assets. Of note, Magpie Hollow Road, Glen Alice Road and Glen Davis Road were targeted.”
“In addition to the maintenance work detailed above, Council staff have been dedicated in their preparation of Portland and Lithgow in anticipation of the Portland Spring Fair and Halloween, both during and after work hours. By all accounts, both events were well attended and all staff involved are commended for their outstanding efforts.”
“While Council’s resources are limited, it can be difficult to prioritise maintenance work and capital improvement”, said Mayor Thompson. “However over this past week, staff have shown their dedication to Lithgow and its surrounding villages through their continued focus on ensuring our assets are in the best condition possible prior to upcoming events.”