In May of this year, work began on the Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project (WIUP) to secure our region’s water supply, our lifestyle and attract development and agriculture opportunities.

The upgrade project, along with the other works, will take over a year to complete and cost a total of $21.55M, with co-funding from the Federal Government of $8.65M.

The works will increase water production capacity to 22 ML per day from the current maximum of 18 ML per day.

Since construction began 5 months ago, the contractors have laser scanned the existing water treatment plant infrastructure, for 3D model generation, established a site office and amenities, conducted earthworks and excavation to clear vegetation and debris.

Construction of the filtered water tank has been completed and three of the four filter tanks has been poured. When complete the new clarifier and new gravity filters will have a 60+ year life.

In the coming months, upgrades to the computer control systems, electrical switchboards will be completed at the Water Treatment Plant along with the installation of a backup generator.

Other works include upgrades to the Town reservoirs, the intakes on the weir wall, booster pump station and Burdekin weir pump station.

Water security is essential for our future growth and its Council’s commitment and priority to provide reliability and security of Charters Towers’ water supply.

- Cr Alan Barr

OGG 30 October, 2018