TimeoutClient did not get response within #1000 ms East Gippsland Shire - Cr Natalie O'Connell new Mayor 2018
New Mayor elected Tuesday 30 October

Cr Natalie O’Connell is the new Mayor of East Gippsland Shire Council.

Cr O’Connell was elected to the position for the next 12 months at tonight’s Special Statutory Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Bairnsdale.

Cr O’Connell, elected to Council in 2016, becomes the first mayor of East Gippsland Shire Council to hail from Omeo and is also the youngest Mayor in the history of the shire. She is the fifth female Mayor since amalgamation (Brenda Murray, Jane Rowe, Mendy Urie and Marianne Pelz).

“I was humbled to be nominated and I look forward to continuing the great work of Cr Joe Rettino, who has served as Mayor for the past two terms,” Cr O’Connell said.

“As a young mother passionate about our future, I look forward to bringing a fresh perspective drawing on the breadth of experience and views from around the council table.

“I thank my councillor colleagues for their words of support and look forward to working with Deputy Mayor Cr John White and the councillor group towards achieving our overarching vision in our strategic Council Plan: East Gippsland is the most liveable region in Australia. A place of natural beauty, enviable lifestyles, and opportunities.

The Mayor, who studied and worked further afield before returning to the Omeo region to raise a family with partner Aaron is a recent graduate of the Gippsland Community Leadership Program, is an AFL Gippsland commissioner and a keen advocate of furthering the educational prospects of young East Gippslanders.

Cr Joe Rettino and Cr Mark Reeves are the outgoing Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively.