Streetscape ahead of schedule Tuesday 06 November

Streetscape improvements on the eastern side of Nicholson Street, Orbost are progressing well less than two months into the project.

The $1.7 million stage two of Nicholson Street upgrades includes improvements to the footpaths, tree planting, retaining walls, furniture and general streetscape amenity, between the kerb line and the shopfronts.

Being completed in sections, work started at the Post Office corner with the aim to have the streetscape completed to the pedestrian crossing by Christmas. However, Council’s contractors are ahead of the program and have now started on a section north of the pedestrian crossing.

Mayor, Cr Natalie O’Connell said the contractors were aiming to complete this additional section of footpath and retaining wall prior to stopping work in mid-December.

“Works were initially to include a pedestrian refuge in the centre of the road between the Post Office and National Australia Bank, however this component has not been included in response to further discussions with freight operators.

“Council understands the need for the design to be functional and with larger trucks now using this intersection, the decision was made to not hinder truck turning movements. The crossing with its new outstands will still offer a high degree of pedestrian safety,” Cr O’Connell said.

Works will stop on Saturday, December 15 to minimise disruption over the busy holiday period. The project will recommence on Sunday, February 3, 2019.

The project is fully-funded by council as part of its capital works program.