Fairfield City residents are invited to have their say on the future urban character of Horsley Park and Cecil Park.

Council has been working closely with the Greater Sydney Commission and State Government agencies since the identification of the Fairfield Rural Lands as part of an Investigation Area for possible future urban development.

A number of options will be discussed with the local community for the affected lands taking into consideration the future Western Sydney Aerotropolis and Western Sydney Employment Area, as well as associated proposed new roads and infrastructure.

They include a mix of different housing types and employment opportunities. It is also noted that a future Parramatta to Western Sydney Airport (WSA) rail line is under consideration and should this proceed there may be potential for higher density residential development around a future railway station.

These plans will be released for public comment on Friday 9 November 2018 on Council’s website and will remain open for comment until 8 February 2019. They can be viewed here or under the ‘Have Your Say’ section of this website.

Copies will also be available to view at Council’s Administration Building at 86 Avoca Road, Wakeley, between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

A public meeting will also be held on Monday 12 November 2018 at 6.30pm at Mandavilla Function Centre.

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone will be on hand with representatives from the Greater Sydney Commission, State Government agencies and Council staff to discuss planning for the area and the draft options.

“Residents have been telling me that they are keen to have their say on the future of Horsley Park and Cecil Park,” Mayor Carbone said.

“This is potentially one of the biggest changes to our City since the introduction of rail in 1856. A new rail link would connect us to Sydney’s three cities and provide opportunities for education, recreation, and thousands of new jobs and homes.

“Council and the State agencies are very keen to listen to residents at this early stage in the investigations and give them plenty of opportunities to have their say on this very important matter.

“I continue to advocate for Fairfield City residents when they tell me that they want better access to public transport links and to benefit from railway stations along a future Parramatta to WSA rail line, which will be right on our doorstep.”

Drop-in sessions will also be held by appointment at Horsley Park Community Hall on selected days and times between 13 November 2018 and 6 February 2019. Appointments can be made by calling 9725 0159.

Public meeting details:

When: Monday 12 November 2018, 6.30pm

Where Mandavilla Function Centre

Address: 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park

View the Fairfield Rural Lands Urban Investigation Area plans here.

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