Media Response |
Ballarat (City) 20 Nov 2018
What is the process for applying to remove native gumtrees in a koala overlay area?

This process requires consideration of all environmental controls to determine a final course of action.

Does Council have the final say on the removal of trees? (or DELWP? is anyone else consulted?)

Council is the final decision-making authority but has regards to all other relevant authorities.

What mechanisms are there for people to protest removals?

Council would advertise an application if required to do so pursuant to the Planning Scheme controls.

4. How often are requests to remove trees denied?

These applications are judged on their individual merits.

5.  What requirements are there for landowners to plant and maintain replacement trees?

If a permit is granted, there may be conditions to reinstate extra trees to achieve a habitat hectare response in accordance with the Planning Scheme.