Published on 27 November 2018
Council is urging motorists to slow down when travelling on unsealed roads in the shire following recent complaints from drivers about people travelling at high speeds on gravel roads.
Acting Director Assets and Operations Anne-Louise Lindner said there were more than 800kms of unsealed roads across Macedon Range Shire.
“Driving at high speeds on unsealed road surfaces is a concern,” Ms Lindner said.
“Hazards like high volumes of dust, varying road conditions and wildlife grazing on road verges challenge all drivers, irrespective of their experience or skill behind the wheel.
“Motorists are required by law to adjust their speed according to the roads conditions.
“Our message to motorists when driving on gravel roads is to stay focused and slow down, and everyone will be safe.”
To report an issue with a road, contact (03) 5422 0333.