Graffiti detracts from the visual amenity of the area, is destructive to property, adds to community perceptions of disorder, and is a cost burden to the community. It is a complex problem that requires multi faceted and integrated solutions that balance graffiti removal with prevention and legal process.
Graffiti Management
Council recognises the value of programs that focus on the prevention of graffiti before it occurs as being complementary to those aimed at removing it once it has been applied.
The management of graffiti is a community responsibility and successful graffiti management strategies should be based on partnerships between government, business, and community organisations, as well as individual members of the community.
Council supports a “clean wall” approach, which means that unless prior approval is given, all Council structures will be free of any attachments including posters and illegal advertising, and graffiti.
Council will support and encourage cooperation for mutual benefit between individuals, groups and businesses that enhances ways to prevent or reduce graffiti vandalism.
Graffiti Removal
An external contractor manages the removal of graffiti within the Town of Bassendean. The scope of the contract includes removal of graffiti from all Council assets (buildings, concrete bus shelters, street name signs etc), other public assets located on Council owned land (road signs, power poles, public utility equipment etc), and from fences or walls on private property that abut Council owned land such as parks, reserves, footpaths, and laneways. There is no direct charge to residents for the removal of graffiti under this contract.
The key to preventing recurring graffiti vandalism is the prompt reporting and removal of all graffiti. Graffiti vandals thrive on the visual exposure and recognition (amongst their peers) their graffiti provides. Prompt removal deprives them of this recognition and discourages further attacks.
To assist with this strategy, residents of the Town are encouraged to report all incidents of graffiti that fall within the scope of the contract to the Town’s graffiti contractor. This is a freecall service and should be made to the Graffiti Hotline.
Graffiti Hotline – 1800 447 233