Adani Mining CEO Lucas Dow announced today that construction and operation of the Carmichael Mine, Rail and Port Project will begin before Christmas.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Willcox welcomed the announcement as positive news for the Whitsunday Region.

“Bowen will be the regional headquarters for port and rail operations for the Carmichael Mine but the flow on benefits will be spread across the entire Whitsunday Region,” he said.

“My Council has been working with Adani since 2016 to overcome a series of social and environmental impact issues to ensure that all those boxes are ticked.

“We trust the processes put in place by the Qld State Government to ensure the project adheres to environmentally responsible development regulations.

“This is about job opportunities for regional workers and is a real shot in the arm for our diverse community,” Mayor Willcox said.

“Mother nature has dealt us some tough cards in recent times via cyclones and drought, so thermal coal being mined in regional Queensland by workers living in regional Queensland is a positive.

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