Hot weather continues to test fire crews

Posted on December 2, 2018

Central Highlands Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) remains in stand-up activation as the severe fire danger rating continues for the rest of Sunday. A fire weather warning has also been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Two major fires in the areas of Carnarvon and Blackdown Tablelands National Park are being monitored and coordinated by authorities with support of the LDMG.

Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Kerry Hayes visited the Carnarvon Gorge area yesterday and said today may be a test for crews on the ground across the region.

‘Crews have been working tirelessly for days and conditions are testing,’ he said.

‘Hot weather and the potential for dry storms will place further pressure on people on the ground.

‘This morning, council in conjunction with the SES sent a truck with water and fresh fruit and vegetables to re-supply the Carnarvon emergency services.’

Amongst crews on the ground are 25 firefighters from Victoria that have helped local crews and landholders fight the blaze that reportedly burnt an area of 36,000 hectares.

‘We’re grateful for their assistance and expertise,’ Mayor Hayes said.

‘We will continue to provide practical support to Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Queensland Parks crews and landholders in the vicinity of fires and shift our focus to recovery efforts.’

Media contact: Disaster Coordination Centre Media Liaison (07) 4980 6330