On Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 December 2018, residents may spot a helicopter flying over Mount Keira as part of works to establish a permanent power supply to the Summit Park.
On Tuesday the helicopter will install a power pole located within the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area (IESCA). On Wednesday the helicopter will install conductors between the poles. A helicopter is being utilised to minimise environmental impacts during power pole and conductor installation.
Power was originally supplied to the Summit Park by a private powerline owned by BHP Billiton which failed several years ago. Power supply to the Summit Park and the on-site communications tower is currently provided by Council-owned diesel generators. The tower is critical to Wollongong’s communication network and is relied upon for emergency communications.
On Wednesday traffic control will be in operation on Parrish Avenue Mount Pleasant to help with traffic movements. Queen Elizabeth Drive will also need to be temporarily closed for safety reasons and access to Mount Keira Summit Park will be closed.
For more information please visit Council’s website at www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au or call Customer Service on (02) 4227 7111.
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