Get involved in the Thomas St Playground upgrade
Bayside City Council 10 Dec 2018

Expressions of Interest are invited to be on the Community Reference Group advising Council on the redevelopment of Thomas Street Playground. We are looking for parents of children living with disability, senior residents interested in healthy ageing and neighbours to the park.

Members of the group will bring a range of perspectives and experiences to the project. They will help spread the word about the project and the opportunities for the broader community to be involved in the planning.

A playground designer will bring all of the ideas together and work though the possibilities and practicalities to develop a plan. The wider community will have an opportunity to comment on the draft plan.

The Community Reference Group is expected to meet about five times in 2019. Positions on the Reference Group are voluntary. Visit our Have Your Say page on our website to read the Terms of Reference and to apply online. For more information about the Community Reference Group and the project, contact Andrew Shannon on ashannon [at]  or call 9599 4676.