Fairfield City Council has taken on board feedback from residents and landowners and released two additional options for the possible future development of the Fairfield Rural Lands.

Since Council presented the community with three development options at a public meeting at Horsley Park on 12 November 2018, Council has received 60 responses from members of the public.

The new Options D and E remove the proposed north-south Boulevard that was present in all Options.

The two new options also concentrate low density one acre (4000 sq m) residential lots within the area affected by aircraft noise from the future Western Sydney Airport, subject to State and Federal Government approval. They also have employment lands located only within the northern part of Horsley Park.

Option E differs from Option D as it includes greater density around a potential Cecil Park town centre should a new rail link and station be built from Parramatta to the new Western Sydney Airport.

The options take into consideration the future Western Sydney Aerotropolis and Western Sydney Employment Area, the impacts of flight noise from the future airport, and associated proposed new roads and infrastructure – including a potential rail line from Parramatta to the Western Sydney Airport.

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone said Council is listening to feedback from the community.

“We are advocating on behalf of our community to get the best outcomes for our City. These two new options represent that commitment,” Mayor Carbone said.

“We have taken on board the issues most frequently raised so far during the community consultation in drawing up these new options.

“We have presented these new options because it is what the community is telling us they want. We want to hear from residents because ultimately we will be guided by what they are telling us.

“By removing the Boulevard we would be using existing and upgraded roads.

“All five options represent how the area could possibly be developed in the future. They are not a guarantee that development will take place.

“I invite the community to look at these two additional options and to provide their feedback direct to Council. This is our community, we live here, and we all deserve to have a say in its future.”

The new options will now be sent to all landowners within the Urban Investigation Area so they will have the opportunity to comment on them as part of the current consultation period.

The plans will also be available to view here and will be open for public feedback until 8 February 2019.

Copies are also available to view at Council’s Administration Building at 86 Avoca Road, Wakeley, between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

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