What’s happening? The City of Ballarat is currently reviewing the Doug Dean Recreation Reserve Master Plan and building on the previous master plans, recently completed works, and community consultation. The updated master plan will help the City of Ballarat manage and maintain the highly valued and evolving reserve and to prioritise investment.
What information are we seeking and how was it obtained? The City of Ballarat went out to community consultation between 11 October and 30 November 2018 through its online consultation platform mysay.ballarat.vic.gov.au to gather ideas for how to improve the Doug Dean Recreation Reserve and to hear from people using the reserve and its facilities.
Along with landscape architects PLOT, the City of Ballarat also consulted directly with user groups, held community drop-in sessions and distributed a feedback form that the community was able to complete and return during the consultation period.
We sought ideas about how the area is currently working and could be improved as well as sharing what makes the reserve special and should not be changed.
The ideas will help inform the updated master plan which will recommend upgrades, identify actions, responsibilities and community involvement for the next steps.
Next steps? The feedback received is now being collated to inform the update of the master plan.
Once a draft master plan has been developed we will release it for further community feedback in early 2019 to make sure we have got it right.