Construction will begin in early January 2019 on the new $23 million Bowen Sewage Treatment Plant.

The Bowen Water Recycling project is part of Whitsunday Regional Council’s Greening and Growing Bowen initiative.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said the significant upgrade will nearly double the existing plant’s capacity, allowing for future population growth and investment in the region.

“The Bowen community will also benefit as the new plant will be able to treat a greater volume of quality recycled water.

“This will then supply the Bowen Recycled Water Network, allowing us to irrigate urban parks and sports grounds spaces with recycled water.

“The volume of treated effluent released into Port Denison will also be greatly decreased, which will help improve water quality in Edgecumbe Bay and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

“The new plant will be constructed offline so the existing plant remains in operation throughout the works.

“The new plant is scheduled to be commissioned late 2019 and will work in tandem with the existing onsite infrastructure,” he said.

The Bowen Water Recycling project is part-funded by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund which targets infrastructure development in regional areas.

Residents are advised that they may experience an increase in construction noise and vehicle movements in the Peter Wyche and Elphinstone Road areas during the construction.

The works are scheduled to take place on a rotating ‘10 days on, 4 days off’ roster beginning from 3 January 2019.

For further information, please visit our website at or call Whitsunday Water on ? 1300 972 753.

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For media enquiries, contact: Greg Martin, Communications and Marketing Manager? 07 4945 0617 or Email: [email protected]

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