East Gippsland Shire Council on December 19 released the Lake King Beach Plan to the public for information following consultation with the community following the release of a draft concept design in February as part of the Metung Village Centre Master Plan development. The plan builds on the work already undertaken in Patterson Park.
The original concept plan has been further reviewed during 2018 with several changes made based on feedback received and available budget. The most notable changes to the concept plan are that the existing toilet block will remain and will be refurbished, and the plantings will be reduced to maintain more open space.
Mayor Cr Natalie O’Connell said the design looks at making the beach at Lake King more accessible, welcoming and functional.
New picnic shelters, a shade structure, and additional barbecues will be installed overlooking Lake King, and a ramp added providing all abilities access to the beach.
Parking along Beach Road will be sealed to provide more efficient parking, and new seating will be added at the lower terrace, just above the beach.
The project does not include beach nourishment.
“Feedback to improve the beach was loud and clear, however this requires further investigation and is not included in this particular project,” Cr O’Connell said.
“Works are expected to start after Easter 2019. Development will be staged as some elements exceed the 2018/19 budget. Sourcing funding for the additional elements is a priority to allow full completion of the project early in the 2019/20 financial year.”
The final plan is presented for information and any comments are required by Thursday, January 31, 2019.
Works at Lake King Beach are planned to commence from April 2019 (after Easter).
The Lake King Beach plan is available at the Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance Customer Service Centres, online at East Gippsland Shire Council’s Your Say website, eastgippsland.vic.gov.au/yoursay, or by contacting Wayne Richards on (03) 5153 9500.
Meanwhile, concept plans for the Village Green and Shaving Point are ready for public consultation, and will be advertised for comments after Easter 2019.