Media Response |
Ballarat (City) 11 Jan 2019

- City of Ballarat Infrastructure and Environment Director Terry Demeo

The removed parking meters were within the Mair Street road reserve controlled by VicRoads.  The City of Ballarat understands VicRoads was of the view the meters were best removed now to improve traffic flow around the Doveton/Mair and Armstrong/Mair intersections given the heavy vehicle movements associated with the recently commenced construction.

In relation to the closed northbound lane of Armstrong Street North, pedestrians will obviously be directed to the east side of the road throughout the duration of the construction.

Contractors Nicholson/Kane have put in place a construction management plan and traffic/pedestrian plans as part of their requirements for the contract.  These have appropriately provided for all pedestrian movements.

Mair Street is a VicRoads controlled road and they will need to respond as to their speed limit intentions during the construction phase.  In relation to Armstrong Street North, it remains a 50km zone. However it is envisaged it will be further restricted during any peak construction activity which may impinge upon the safety and amenity of pedestrians.