Media Response |
Ballarat (City) 14 Jan 2019

Statement from Ballarat Mayor Samantha McIntosh

Is there any progress on the Heads of Agreement proposal about the Waste to Energy facility in December - did MRCB end up detailing their proposal to Council in December, and what was the result?

The City of Ballarat extended a Heads of Agreement with Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhard (MRCB) for its due diligence study for a business case regarding a Waste to Energy facility. 

The Heads of Agreement has been extended to allow for MRCB to present in full to the Ballarat City councillors later this month. 

It should also be noted that the due diligence study and its contents are the intellectual property of MRCB, not the City of Ballarat. 

What is the latest on the All Waste Interchange? Has there been any progress on that in the last six months?

The City of Ballarat is focussed on a whole system view of our waste management processes. This includes educating about reuse for waste minimisation, effective sorting and landfill as a last option. 

In August 2018 Ballarat City Council approved a proposal to proceed with the development of the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) land south of the Ararat railway line to accommodate an All-Waste Interchange site. 

$5 million is provided for within Council’s 2018/19 budget to complete initial land development at the site to allow for the construction of an All Waste Interchange in the near future. 

In November, a funding application was submitted for the latest round of the Federal Government's Building Better Regions Fund-  Infrastructure stream seeking matched funding to commence the project.

The City of Ballarat is also actively pursuing businesses with opportunities for recycling and for these to be located at BWEZ.


Is Council satisfied with the amount of businesses moving into BWEZ so far? How many businesses are currently functioning there, and how many have planning proposals being considered?

As a partner in the project we’ve been very happy with the response from investors to the first two land releases for BWEZ. Stage 1 is over 96% sold or under negotiation and Stage 1b is at over 50% sold or under negotiation, with construction also well advanced on stage 1b. There are also businesses registering their EOI for the next release, which is very exciting.