(17/1/2019) Donate Without Doubt raises $17,000 for St Pat's
City of Fremantle 17 Jan 2019

Donations to provide assistance and support to the homeless and disadvantaged in Fremantle through the City of Fremantle’s Donate Without Doubt program have reached more than $17,000.

The program started in February 2016 as a way for residents and visitors to Fremantle to assist people in need while having confidence their donation would be put to good use.

People can put their spare change into one of the ‘lifesaver’ collection boxes located throughout the Fremantle city centre, with all donations matched by the City of Fremantle and given to St Patrick’s Community Support Centre.

St Pat’s client Brinley stayed in the accommodation at St Pat’s for four and half months and is now a volunteer at the St Pat’s Racks Op Shops.

He said St Pat’s had made a huge difference in his life.

“I was living in the back of a derelict house in Balga and for some reason found my way down to Fremantle, met up with some people I’d known in Fremantle for some time, connected with St Pat’s  and all of a sudden I’m off the streets,” he said.

“I have a roof over my head, I have food, I have accommodation, I have comfort, I have all sorts of things that I haven’t had for some time, so it’s been a wonderful experience for me.

“Anything that you can do to support St Pat’s, including using these devices, is absolutely wonderful and there should be more of it.”

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt said he was pleased the City was supporting the important work of St Pat’s through Donate Without Doubt.

“Fremantle is a generous community with a long-standing history of giving and support for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our society,” Mayor Pettitt said.

“We started Donate Without Doubt because of concerns that some of the opportunistic begging that we were seeing around Fremantle was not necessarily related to homelessness and was discouraging people from giving to those in genuine need.

“We’re really pleased that over the past three years we’ve given more than $17,000 to St Pat’s, and the people who’ve donated can be sure their contribution has gone to a very worthy cause.”

St Pat’s houses around 340 people a year, as well as connecting people with other accommodation providers and offering meals, showers, clothes and other forms of support.

St Pat’s Chief Executive Officer Michael Piu said the support from Donate Without Doubt was a valuable resource.

“Even small change can add up. If everyone who felt like they couldn’t make a difference gave $5, we would be in a much better position to pursue our goal of ending homelessness in Fremantle and South West metro,” Mr Piu said.

“Many people ask if it’s better to give to a person on the street rather than to a charity.

“Whilst it’s a personal choice, giving to a person on the street can be a band aid approach which doesn’t address the underlying causes that have led their situation.

“St Pat’s focus is effective engagement with people facing homelessness. This might start with practical supports such as providing a hot meal, a shower, clean clothing or help with their finances.

“Once trust is built, they might access our health services, or be linked with a support worker that is able to assist people to get into housing,  ensuring they are receiving their Centrelink entitlements or even providing immediate accommodation at one of our residences.”

In the 2017/18 financial year St Pat’s served 22,303 meals, distributed 5158 bags of fruit and vegetables, provided 4004 showers and handed out 2938 items of clothing.

They also provided individual case managed support for 272 people, and coordinated social activities like choir group, song writing and exercise classes.

For more information visit the Donate Without Doubt page on the City of Fremantle website.