Our Northern Beaches community is an active bunch. We’re far more likely to cycle than the rest of Sydney with 40 percent of us jumping on a bike each year, compared to only 25 percent across Greater Sydney[1].

We want to see more people riding a bicycle to school or work and we want it to be safe for them to do so.

That’s why we’re developing a Bike Plan to guide the development of our cycling network and we need to hear from you.

Right now, there are missing links in our cycling network and limited safe off-road connections between Northern Beaches town centres and the places we want to get to. We want to prioritise improvements to these so we can make it safe and easy to travel by bike, wherever you live in the area.  

Help us identify missing links in the current cycling network, where you think difficult areas could be made safer with infrastructure or places you think would benefit from end of trip facilities like bike racks and e-chargers.

We want to hear about what motivates you to get on your bike or if you wish you could cycle, tell us what’s stopping you and how we could help make it happen.

It’s not just people who ride we want to hear from. If you drive or walk on the Northern Beaches, we want to know where you think cycling infrastructure should be prioritised. Have your say by Sunday 3 March.

Our draft WALK Northern Beaches Walking Plan is open for feedback until Sunday 3 March too. The draft plan outlines Council’s future footpath delivery program, helping people get around easier and supporting our community to be less car dependent.

Both the Bike Plan and WALK Northern Beaches Walking Plan fall under our 20 year Move Northern Beaches transport strategy, which aims for cycling and walking trips to be doubled and car trips and carbon emissions from transport to go down by 30 per cent.

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