Entrepreneurs are encouraged to take advantage of an exciting funding opportunity through the Whitsunday Small Business Start-Up Program which will assist them in undertaking new or unique business-related activities in the Whitsunday region.

Acting Mayor John Collins said the pilot program is a competitive and merit-based grant program aimed at targeting new business growth in the region and will not compete with existing small business currently operating in the Whitsundays.

“This program will provide monetary funding to successful applicants to undertake business-related activities in relation to a product or service that is new to our region,” Cr Collins said.

“Applicants can receive up to $10,000 which must be matched by the applicant 50:50.

“Key growth benefits to the region will include increased employment, new investment attraction, increasing local supply and manufacturing supply chains, establishing new trade opportunities and circular economy benefits.

“Attracting and enabling entrepreneurs to undertake their new business start-up activities in the Whitsunday region is an initiative that aligns with our identified regional economic opportunities.

“Council is also in the process of developing small business support programs for the existing business community which will be announced shortly.”

Applications open on 1 February and close on 15 March 2019. To find out more information, visit www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/start-up-grant The application portal will become available as of 8:15am on Friday 1 February.

The program forms part of the wider Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 for economic prosperity in the Whitsunday region.

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