The City of Wanneroo wants to hear from Girrawheen and Koondoola residents about what makes their places special and how they would like to see the areas progress.

Mayor Tracey Roberts said the City was introducing a new approach to identifying local priorities as part of its new Place Framework.

“The City’s Place Framework highlights the importance of creating distinctive local areas by discovering what is special and unique about our suburbs, and what contributes to an area’s sense of place,” Mayor Roberts said.

“The City of Wanneroo is incredibly large and diverse, so as a Council it is important that we ensure the activities and services provided in specific locations are truly meaningful to the local community,” she said.

“We’re doing this by developing Local Area Plans in close collaboration with local residents, business and other interested parties.

“Some people may value being just 15km from the Perth CBD with easy access to shops, services and amenities, while others may appreciate the stunning scenery of the Koondoola Regional Bushland or high trees that line the streets of Girrawheen.

“We are excited to dig deeper into what the local community values about their area, and how we can work together to highlight and celebrate the most cherished features.”

Community engagement will be conducted between February and April 2019, and a Local Area Plan for Girrawheen and Koondoola is expected to be finalised by June 2019.

The Girrawheen and Koondoola Local Area Plan will: 

uncover what makes Girrawheen and Koondoola special, unique and distinctive develop a clear understanding of the services, facilities and programs that will meet the needs of residents and stakeholders, and guide which local services, facilities and programs are available in the future.

People can find out more information on the project and complete a survey online via

The City is also hosting two What’s On in Your Neighbourhood events for people to come along, meet City of Wanneroo staff who work in Girrawheen and Koondoola and find out what’s already happening, and share their ideas for the area.

Event details

When: Thursday 21 February 2019, 4pm – 7pm Where: Girrawheen Hub, Patrick Court, Girrawheen

When:Thursday 7 March 2019, 4pm – 7pm Where: Koondoola Community Centre, 90 Koondoola Ave, Koondoola

“We hope to hear from as many local community members as possible, so we can be sure that the Local Area Plan for Girrawheen and Koondoola truly represents the community and their hopes for the future,” Mayor Roberts said.

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