Fairfield City Manager Alan Young has been awarded a Public Service Medal in the Australia Day Honours, reflecting his 44 years of committed and exemplary service to local government.

Mr Young’s public service began with Randwick Council in 1975 as a junior clerk, where he developed a passion for local government that saw him go on to serve the councils of Burwood, Ryde, Lane Cove, Rockdale and Parramatta in financial and corporate service management roles, before commencing as City Manager at Fairfield City Council in 1999.

Mr Young’s strategic financial planning, vision and enlightened leadership has ensured the Council has remained financially sustainable while providing quality services for the community and ensuring residential rates remain among the lowest in Sydney.

His hard work ensured that Fairfield City was declared Fit For the Future in 2015, confirming Council’s status as a financially-viable stand-alone council.

In response to the growing number of refugees resettling in Fairfield City, Mr Young led the development of the Fairfield City Settlement Action Plan in 2015 in conjunction with approximately 50 service providers, government agencies and non-government organisations to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach to settlement services for refugees.

In October 2018, Council was awarded the A R Bluett Memorial Award by Local Government NSW. This award is presented to the council judged to be the Most Progressive in NSW in the preceding year.

Mr Young said it was a “great honour” to receive the Public Service Medal.

“It’s particularly gratifying to receive it for a service career that has been very rewarding in itself,” Mr Young said.

“I’ve enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I’ve had to be involved in a great deal of really worthwhile work which has added value to the community.

“Local government is a very challenging environment and those of us who work in it, elected and employed, get great satisfaction from being involved in work that improves people’s lives.

“Great outcomes and achievements result from passion, hard work and everyone working together.”

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone congratulated Mr Young on receiving the honour.

“Alan is an outstanding administrator who has achieved a great many things for the people of Fairfield City,” Mayor Carbone said.

“Alan has worked well to deliver on the Council’s vision and our city is a better place for us having him here.

“I congratulate Alan on this significant achievement and look forward to continuing to work with him to deliver the quality outcomes, services and infrastructure the people of Fairfield City rely upon and deserve.”

Mr Young’s influence extends beyond the borders of Fairfield City. He is an inaugural member of the Steering committee for the NSW Premier's Priority Growing Healthy Kids in South West Sydney initiative;  co-chaired the Housing NSW's Bonnyrigg Living Communities Partnership, was a member of the Commonwealth Inter-governmental Sub-Committee on Drugs, and is the current Chair of the General Managers Group for the Western Sydney City Deal, which is a collaboration between Commonwealth, State and local governments, for the development of the Western Parkland City, comprising eight local government areas.

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