Whitsunday Regional Council today approved a proposal for a cinema and bowling alley in Proserpine.

At the ordinary meeting in Proserpine Council resolved to approve the application for a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use – Theatre (Cinema) and Indoor Sport and Recreation (Amusement Parlour and Bowling alley).

The application, submitted by Proserpine 360 Dome Theatre Bowling Cinema, is to convert a portion of existing commercial tenancies in the old Faust building at 27 Main Street and 21 Mill Street, Proserpine.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said Council was keen to encourage new business ventures in the Whitsundays and is particularly pleased to see this new investment in Proserpine.

“The proposed plans for a cinema and bowling alley will be a real shot in the arm for Proserpine.

“The developer expects to employ up to 10 staff when the complex is up and running.

“This cinema/bowling alley proposal perfectly complements Council’s $3 million Proserpine Main Street Upgrade expected to commence in May.

“We sought feedback from the community late last year on concept design plans with the final design for the Proserpine Main Street Upgrade expected to be presented to Council next month,” he said.

Division 3 Councillor John Collins said he welcomed the proposal which would offer diverse recreational and employment options for Proserpine residents.

“This new venture will improve liveability for local families and further activate and attract new business to town,” he said.

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For media enquiries, contact: Greg Martin, Communications and Marketing Manager 07 4945 0617 or Email: communications@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au

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