Have your say: Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Weed Management Strategy Published: 15 February 2019

Cardinia Shire Council is seeking community feedback on two draft strategies: the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and the Weed Management Strategy.

The draft strategies have been developed considering feedback received through workshops and surveys undertaken with the community in early 2018.

The strategies will help Council to work with the community to protect the shire’s environment and ensure its natural biodiversity is healthy, valued and actively cared for.

The draft Biodiversity Conservation Strategy aims to guide long-term strategic direction and efforts to preserve the natural habitats and wide variety of plant and animal life within the Cardinia Shire.

It also provides a framework for both private and public land managers, and identifies key opportunities for Council to work in partnership with the community to protect our natural environment from a variety of issues.

The draft Weed Management Strategy aims to reduce weed infestations across Cardinia Shire, which threaten agriculture, human health and the environment including bushland areas, roadsides and waterways.

The draft Weed Management Strategy provides direction for delivering community education and engagement, planning controls and enforcement, and on-ground works and monitoring. It also emphasises that Council, community and organisations must work collectively to manage weeds across all land regardless of ownership.

Community comment on the two draft strategies closes 5pm, Monday 25 March 2019.

Find out more about this consultation and have your say at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

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