Funding bid for Cairns Active projects

Published: 13 Feb 2019

Council is seeking funding of $300,000 for a new ‘Cairns Active’ initiative to encourage more residents to improve their health through physical activity.

A $232,563 grant has been sought under the Federal Government’s “Move it AUS’ program addressing the health implications of a sedentary lifestyle and a further $74,562 from the State Government’s "Infra+ Program" to encourage greater use of existing cycle paths.

If successful, Council will deliver five new programs under the Cairns Active banner:

Active Living: expansion of the popular Active Living program into the suburbsClubs Playing Games: non-competitive games in local parksThe YOUTHing: encouraging and empowering young people to be activeMove For Life: getting more people walking and cycling more oftenForever Young: physical and social activities for over 55s.

Cairns Active will provide residents with greater opportunities to be active in their suburb while introducing them to facilities in their area.

Last updated: 13 February 2019