Dalyellup Waste Residue Facility Reporting
Shire of Capel 22 Feb 2019

In response to a community request at the 2018 Annual Electors’ Meeting, annual reports related to the former Dalyellup waste residue facility have been placed on the Shire of Capel website. The Shire of Capel is pleased to be able to respond to this request which presented some technical challenges due to the size of the reports.

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) is the regulator for this contaminated site and the landowner is Cristal Pigment Australia Ltd. The purpose of the annual reports is to provide review of a site management plan for the site. The site management plan addresses the identification of potential risks to human and ecological health, the management of those risks and the rehabilitation of the site to endemic vegetation.

The Shire of Capel receives these reports as the local government responsible for planning and land management in the district – it is not a regulator of the site management plan, that is the sole responsibility of DWER and the Department of Health. The reports may be viewed via the Shire of Capel website by navigating to ‘Health and Environment’ and then ‘Environmental Reports’ where links to individual documents can be accessed.