Environmental Upgrade Agreements spark interest from farming sector

Published on 22 February 2019

Council’s Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUA) are proving an ideal option for the farming sector following the recent completion of one of the larger EUA solar projects in the region.

An EUA is an agreement in which a financial institution advances funds to a commercial or agricultural property owner to undertake upgrade works which improve the business’s environmental performance.

These funds are then repaid through the property owner’s Council rates.

Council signed its first EUA in April last year, with the most recent agreement – a 53.9kW project at Englefield Winegrape Services - illustrating the benefits it can offer the farming sector.

Councillor for Environment and Farming Sustainability Anthony Cirillo said EUAs were a win-win for farming businesses and the environment.

“It’s great to see the positive take-up of EUAs in our municipality, which are providing a host of benefits,” Cr Cirillo said.

“They are helping farming businesses reduce operational costs, all the while producing improved environmental outcomes.”

Englefield Winegrape Services’ Kevin Englefield said entering into the EUA made sense for his business.

“It was an economic decision for us, pure and simple,” Mr Englefield said.

“It gives us a return on our investment rather quickly. We’re able to feed enough power into the grid to pay for the system within a relatively short timeframe and it will significantly reduce our power bills.

“At the same time, it’s helping us reduce our carbon footprint.

“The agreement was also a very streamlined process to navigate.”

Sustainable Melbourne Fund Business Development Manager James Wark, whose organisation finances EUA projects, said he was encouraged by the positive take-up of EUAs in Mildura.

“EUAs are great opportunities for business owners to access long-term finance, allowing for projects to be cash-positive from day one, but at the same time provide environmental and other financial benefits for businesses, and Englefield Winegrape Services is a perfect example of this,” Mr Wark said.

Examples of projects that could qualify for EUAs include lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning upgrades, solar installations, and water and waste minimisation.

To be eligible for an EUA, building owners must pay Council rates, ensure the planned works are improvements to non-residential buildings, and deliver environmental benefits, such as energy, water and waste savings.

Find out more about EUAs and how they work by visiting www.mildura.vic.gov.au and searching for ‘Environmental Upgrade Agreements’ 

Media enquiries  Ben Piscioneri p) (03) 5018 8689  e) [email protected]