Whitsunday Regional Council has launched a Proserpine Façade Improvement Policy as a catalyst for improving building façades in the Main Street.

Under the Façade Improvement Policy adopted by Council in late January, land and business owners within the Main Street of Proserpine can apply for funding to help spruce up their building façades and improve the appeal of the Main Street.

This policy came about from the extensive consultation on the Proserpine Sustainability and Future Growth Master Plan.

What is the Façade Improvement Policy?

The purpose of the policy is to encourage property and/or business owners in the Main Street of Proserpine to improve their shopfronts.

Where does the Façade Improvement Policy apply?

In the Main Street of Proserpine.

What are the benefits of the Façade Improvement Policy?

• To improve the visual amenity and appeal of the streetscape; • To encourage economic development in Proserpine; • To encourage maintenance improvements of properties; and • To promote a sense of place and community.

How does the funding work?

Council’s contribution to each grant will be to up to 50% of the eligible works and will be capped depending on the following factors:

• For shopfronts up to and including 12 metres long: a maximum Council contribution of $3000 may be granted; or • For shopfronts over 12 metres: a maximum Council contribution of $5000 may be granted.

In either case no more than $500 can be attributed to landscaping.

For more information on the Façade Improvement Scheme please contact the Council’s Strategic Planning Branch on 07 4945 0263 or see Council’s website http://www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/Proserpine-Facade-Improvement-Policy

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