Two years after the introduction of mobile phone technology at several City of Wanneroo sports fields, the power and dollar savings are evident.

A mid-year review of the 2018/19 annual budget tabled at last night’s Council meeting highlighted a decrease in utility charges of $210,000, including a reduction in electricity costs of $178,000.

One of the reasons for the reduction is the continued roll out of the Short Message System (SMS) floodlight control system at sports grounds within the City.

Traditionally the floodlights at sports fields were controlled with switches at set-times each week, and often lights would be on when no user groups were using the fields.

The new system allows clubs to control the lights via SMS at pre-determined times, and only use the lights when required.

“It is incredible to think that this small change can be making such a big impact on our carbon footprint,” Mayor Tracey Roberts said.

“During the winter sports season at Wanneroo Showgrounds alone, lights were only used for 319 hours as opposed to 1200 hours, which has saved the equivalent of 12,984kWh.”

Sites that are using the technology include:

South Ward: Hudson Park, Girrawheen; Shelvock Park, Koondoola, Warradale Park, Landsdale; Kingsway Sporting Complex, Madeley.

Central Ward: Wanneroo Showgrounds, Wanneroo; Houghton Park, Carramar; Lake Joondalup Park, Wanneroo; Grandis Park, Banksia Grove; Edgar Griffiths Park, Wanneroo.

North Ward: Kingsbridge Park, Butler; Ridgewood Park, Ridgewood; Riverlinks Park, Clarkson; Gumblossom Park, Quinns Rocks; Splendid Park, Yanchep; Oldham Park, Yanchep; Leatherback Park, Alkimos; Abbeville Park, Mindarie.

The technology is currently being installed at Anthony Waring Reserve, Clarkson and there are several other locations set to be wired up in the coming months (subject to budget availability) including: Alexander Heights Park, Alexander Heights; Butterworth Park, Koondoola; Cabrini Park, Marangaroo; Highview Park, Alexander Heights; Peridot Park, Banksia Grove; Richard Aldersea Park, Clarkson and St Andrews Park, Yanchep.

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