With the Easter long weekend approaching, the City of Wanneroo is joining with the WA Local Government Association’s RoadWise program in rolling out a range of initiatives that highlight the importance

Advocating for zero deaths and serious injuries on Western Australia’s roads, the City of Wanneroo’s annual Blessing of the Roads ceremony aims to educate motorists on the need to slow down, wear a seatbelt, take regular breaks and not drink and drive during the busy Easter period and beyond.

The ceremony will be held on Thursday 11 April from 10am to 11.30am at Greenfields Park, on the corner of Elliot Road and Wanneroo Road in Hocking.

City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the campaign’s overarching goal of moving “towards zero” was an important reminder that trauma caused from road incidents was preventable.

“All road users, including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, have a significant role to play in keeping our roads safe and free of incident,” Mayor Roberts said.

“I urge everyone to stay safe during the Easter period by following the sign-posted speed limits, taking regular breaks on long drives, wearing a seatbelt, never using a mobile phone while behind the wheel and never drinking and driving.

“There were 158 fatalities on Western Australia’s roads in 2018. By working together to make our roads safer, we reduce this and work towards zero.”

A WA Police Chaplain will lead a blessing as part of the ceremony, praying for safety on all roads. Road Safety Council Chairman Iain Cameron will be a guest speaker at the event, as well as PBF Australia Speaker Neil Hart. Suffering a permanent and complete spinal lesion as a result of a road incident caused by speeding, Mr Hart regularly visits high schools and workplaces to discuss first-hand the personal consequences of speeding.

Students from local schools and representatives from WA Police Service, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, St John Ambulance and Main Roads WA will be attendance.

Honouring local heroes

Nominations for the 2019 Human Spirit Awards are now open. The awards are aimed at individuals or groups who have:

promoted and supported road safety; participated in road safety projects, campaigns or activities; developed policies or strategies to reduce road related deaths or trauma; or raised awareness of local safety issues.

Mayor Roberts is calling on local residents to nominate a road safety hero – such as a school crossing attendant, parent, police officer or teacher – and honour their dedication to keeping our communities safe on the road.

“Road safety is a shared responsibility. By celebrating the positive contribution of these key community members, I hope others will feel inspired to practise and advocate for safe journeys on our roads,” Mayor Roberts said.

RoadWise’s Human Spirit Award program has recognised almost 300 groups and individuals in the past nine years.

Nominations to be submitted by Wednesday 20 March.

The winners of this year’s Human Spirit Road Safety Awards will be presented with their awards at the City’s Blessing of the Roads event on 11 April.

To nominate someone, email [email protected] with the subject line ‘Human Spirit Award nomination’ and your contact details (including telephone number).

Click here to download a nomination form.

Further focus on road safety

Free caravan and trailer checks will be conducted on Saturday 6 April between 8am-12pm at the City’s Ashby Operations Centre, 1204 Wanneroo Road.

Past inspections have revealed a range of faults, from worn tyres and brakes to suspension and electrical issues, all of which have the potential to contribute to a road incident.

In addition, the volunteer-run Driver Reviver van will once again be stationed north of Yanchep on Indian Ocean Drive, offering motorists a cuppa and a biscuit while passing through on Easter Monday (22 April).

Mayor Roberts said it was imperative motorists take regular breaks and drive responsibly.

“Long weekends are always a busy time on our roads, particularly on Indian Ocean Drive. I hope to see drivers take advantage of the Driver Reviver van and take regular breaks from driving, especially those on long trips,” she said.

For more information, contact the City’s Traffic Services team on 9405 5072.

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