A relaxing green parkland that will offer fun for people of all ages and abilities – and their pets – has begun to take shape in West Coffs between Loaders Lane and William Sharp Drive.

“This is a very exciting project. It’s not every day that we start creating a brand new park,” said Coffs Harbour Mayor Councillor Denise Knight. “What I’m really delighted about is the fact that there is truly something for everyone.

“The playground will have a mix of junior, senior and accessible play equipment, plus there will be a cycleway, BBQ shelter, picnic shelters, a new amenities block and a leash-free dog park – and the dog park will even be split into space for big dogs and little dogs.

“None of this would’ve happened without the amazing input from local residents, dog-owners and dog-trainers and the students at Narranga Public School. I’d like to publicly thank them for giving us so much of their time to help develop the park’s masterplan.”

The design also features a multi-use basketball court and car parking.

The vision for the park developed by the community included:

Create a District Park that provides for a diverse array of activities catering for a broad cross section of the community. Provide a meeting place with shade and shelter, seating and drinking water and access to nature, which attracts and caters for families and group gatherings, including universal access. Encourage inclusive play through a variety of nature and active play opportunities. Provide pedestrian and cycle links between suburbs. Retain and improve natural vegetated corridor through improved vegetation and creek management.

Funding for the new park came from $1m in developer contributions from new subdivisions in the West Coffs area and a $200,000 grant from the NSW Government’s ‘Everyone Can Play’ programme.

Local contractor Burnett Civil has been appointed to carry out the works, with local suppliers and sub-contractors also involved in construction.

A new pedestrian bridge over Coffs Creek that will connect the park with Loaders Lane is now being manufactured offsite and is expected to be installed in mid-May.