The Shire has recently completed design works for the reconstruction of the hardcourts at Boyanup, based upon previous discussions with the user groups, and is pleased to announce that Council have accepted a tender from Carbone Bros Pty Ltd for completion of the project.
The works are scheduled to commence during the week starting 25 March 2019 and should be completed by mid June.
The proposed works include:
removing the existing asphalt; laying new foundations, drainage and kerbing; coating in plexipave acrylic surface; new carpark along Charlotte Street; new linemarking; and installation of posts for tennis nets, netball rings and basketball rings.During the works, the site will be fenced off including the verge area on Charlotte Street and traffic management will be in place when necessary.
Road users are urged to slow down when approaching the area, obey all signs and show courtesy to other road users.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Coulson at the Shire on 9727 0222 or email [email protected].