Due to Peter Ramage’s recent resignation as Councillor for Division 4, Council is advertising for nominees for the casual vacancy of this position, which is to be filled until the next quadrennial local government elections in 2020.

As we’re in the final part of the current term of Council (as defined at section 161(5) of the Local Government Act 2009) but we’re more than 6 months away from the 2020 elections, section 166(5) of the Act states that Council must fill the vacancy in the office of a Councillor by appointment by resolution of Council.

Division 4 is home to approximately 3,600 voters from rural and coastal residential areas including suburbs such as Collinsville, Scottville, Mount Coolon, Mount Wyatt, Bogie, Dingo Beach, Gregory River, Riordanvale, Strathdickie, Crystal Brook, Kelsey Creek, Andromache, Gunyarra and Lethebrook.

Interested persons must meet qualifications to be a councillor in accordance with Section 152 of the Local Government Act 2009.

For further information, and to download a copy of the nomination form, please visit Council’s website here - http://www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/669/Councillor-Vacancy---Division-4

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