Published on 29 March 2019
The Devonport City Council will declare Market Square smoke-free from Monday 1 April 2019.
It follows overwhelming public support to ban smoking in the area - located between Providore Place and the paranaple centre – during public consultations conducted over December and January.
In total 84 people commented on the Speak Up Devonport page – one of the highest Speak Up Devonport responses rates - with more than 75 offering support to the proposal.
A Facebook post on 13 December reached about 5800 people with 208 reactions, comments and/or shares achieved. Of those who commented, very few expressed opposition.
Smoking will be banned on the artificial grass, the complete paved area of the Square and the lawn area south of Providore Place and adjacent to the Multi-level Car Park.
Both the Rooke Street entrance and the Oldaker Street entrance will allow for smoking on the footpath and the entrance near the Multi-level Car Park will allow for smoking on the asphalt area.
Appropriate signage advising the public of the new designation will be installed by the weekend and butt bins will be strategically placed at all entrances to the area.
It is the second area in Devonport to be declared smoke-free, over and above the minimum requirements of the Public Health Act 1997 (which excludes smoking in areas such as near doorways and air conditioning plant), by Council following on from the Rooke Street Mall.
The Mayor, Cr Annette Rockliff, said since Market Square was opened to the public, Council had received complaints regarding smoking in the area and there had been some general confusion about where people can and cannot smoke.
``As a result we sought community input into our plan and there were very few people who expressed any opposition to the proposal,’’ she said.
Cr Rockliff said by designating smoke-free areas Council was helping to promote health and wellbeing in the community.
However, she stressed that Council would not be beginning an immediate campaign to fine anyone who smoked within the banned area.
``This is certainly not about going out with a big stick, but we will be seeking to educate people and hope the public will assist us by politely encouraging anyone seen smoking in the area to move outside the smoke-free zone.’’
Media Contact Nigel Tapp |Media & Communications Officer Devonport City Council 03 6424 0562 | 0427 132 972 |