We are seeking community feedback for a review of our plan for housing. We want to hear your ideas on the key housing issues for Bayside and how we can address current and future housing challenges while providing an effective blueprint for managing expected population growth.
The Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in 2012, has successfully directed medium and high density development to Bayside’s activity centres and other locations in close proximity to public transport, shops and services. As a result of the Housing Strategy, Bayside has one of the lowest proportions of land covered by high and medium density residential zones across Victoria.
The review of the strategy aims to ensure housing in Bayside meets the needs of the community, now and in the future. This includes focusing on how to:
Direct growth to housing growth areas, including activity centres. Protect neighbourhood character in minimal growth areas. Recognise that the neighbourhood character in housing growth areas will change. Minimise negative impacts of new development. Provide adequate infrastructure and traffic management to manage the impacts of increased housing growth. Better communicate to residents where and what type of developments they can expect.Have your say online