Mayor Tracey Roberts has thanked the State and Federal Government’s unprecedented combined investment of almost $1 billion in the City of Wanneroo to further develop essential transport infrastructure

Mayor Roberts said the City of Wanneroo was one of Australia’s fastest and largest growing areas.

“This $904 million investment in both public transport and an upgraded road network will have a transformational impact on people who live, work and visit the City,” Mayor Roberts said.

“Strategic road linkages will positively influence opportunities for commercial investment and innovation whilst creating sustainable communities and connecting local residents to employment hubs within the Cities of Wanneroo, Stirling and Joondalup.”

Major transport projects include the recently announced Mitchell Freeway extension to Romeo Road, Alkimos; dualling of Wanneroo Road to Trian Road, Carabooda; dualling of Marmion Avenue from Butler to Yanchep; and the METRONET Rail Extension.

“The extension of the Yanchep rail line together with these significant road upgrades will be a major catalyst to activating the City’s northern corridor, which is the gateway to the wider region,” Mayor Roberts said.

“I extend my sincere thanks to the local community who strongly supported the City’s ‘Connect Wanneroo’ campaign.

“I look forward to working closely with the State Government to create a ‘future ready’

City of Wanneroo as these projects transition from construction to a safe, functional and robust transport network.”

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