Eligible organisations can now apply for the Community Rates Support Program 2019-20.

Organisations eligible for support under this program include organisations which;

are based in the Balonne Shire or able to demonstrate that the project, program or activity will directly benefit Balonne Shire residents; are an approved charity or an incorporated not-for-profit organisation; pay general rates or sewerage and cleansing utility service charges to Balonne Shire Council; do not receive operational funding from the State or Federal Government; have public liability insurance.

Organisations with a sport and recreation focus may receive up to 25% of their annual general rates and/or sewerage and cleansing utility service charges. Organisations with a charitable or community service focus may receive up to 50% of their general rates and/or sewerage and cleansing utility service charges. Note: remissions will not be granted on or for water service charges or excess water charges.

This Community Rates Support Program is additional to Council’s Community Donations, Sponsorship & Grants Program and the recently introduced Sports Incentive Program. 

If you feel you are eligible and wish to apply for the Community Rates Support Program, please complete the application form enclosed and return by the closing date 17 May 2019. 


All applications received by Council will be tabled at the June 2019 Council meeting.  The remission of rates will normally be processed as a credit on the rate account, however Council may refund rate payments which have already been paid.

To discuss this matter further or to obtain additional information you are encouraged to contact Administration Officer - Rates, Tarnia Porter on 4620 8888.