Have your say on changes to local law

Published on 15 April 2019

Residents are encouraged to have their say on a proposed amendment to Council’s general local law.

The General Purposes and Amenity Local Law No. 10 covers activities that impact on the amenity of our community, such as animal keeping, activities on roads and streets and on Council land, burning off, and the consumption of alcohol in public places.

At its March meeting, Council resolved to make a technical amendment covering several clauses of Local Law No. 10 which will allow the proposed Roadside and Footpath Trading Policy to be applied.

The amendment specifically concerns changes to the use of Council land and roads for trading purposes. For instance, the changes allow for mobile trading such as food vans to potentially operate on Council land. They also remove obsolete requirements, such as restrictions over political advertising which are now covered by state legislation.

Acting Director Assets and Operations, Anne-Louise Lindner said the amendment was an efficient way to ensure current and future policies could be applied and to keep the local law up to date.

“By amending the local law, we will be better able to deal with current requirements of local businesses and the community and to better respond to emerging trends, such as mobile trading,” Ms Lindner said.

To view a copy of the proposed amendment to the local law and the accompanying Community Impact Statement, visit one of Council’s service centres or Have your say.

To have your say visit Have your, email your submission to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 151, Kyneton, 3444 by noon Monday 13 May 2019.

A meeting to hear and consider any submissions on the proposed amendment will be held on Wednesday 12 June at the Gisborne Administration Centre.