Council has received notification from the Office of Environment & Heritage of a prescribed burn to occur as follows:
Subject to prevailing weather and fire ground conditions the proposed prescribed burn is expected to commence on Tuesday 16 April 2019 and take at least 2-3 days to implement. Smoke will be visible from the surrounding rural residential areas near Napoleon Reed, Walang, Yetholme, Kirkconnell and Sunny Corner and may persist in the local area for up to a week.
This burn is the second stage of a prescribed burn which commenced in May 2018. Approximately half of the burn area was previously treated at the time but was unable to be completed due to a snow fall event.
The prescribed burn is being conducted to generally maintain the floristic and structural diversity of vegetation communities in an area currently subject to an adverse (long unburnt) fire regime. The activity is expected to enhance the conservation and biodiversity values within the nature reserve and reduce the overall fuel hazard in this area.
For further information please contact the Area Manager:
Fiona Buchanan 02 63327640 or 0459 810 557