Draft 2019–20 Budget & Council Plan on exhibition

Cardinia Shire Council invites community feedback on the draft 2019–20 Budget and draft amended Council Plan until 5pm on Wednesday 15 May 2019.

The proposed budget reflects Council’s prudent fiscal management, which has enabled more than $60 million of capital works to be included in the budget and all vital community services to be maintained or enhanced.

“Council is in a sound position, which reflects the importance we place on diligently managing the budget on behalf of our community,” said Cardinia Shire Deputy Mayor Cr Collin Ross.

The proposed capital works program for 2019–20 is $60.69m, with $30.85m budgeted for infrastructure works including recreation, leisure and community facilities, as well as roads ($14.10m), drains, footpaths and parks, opens space and streetscapes, $26.95m is budgeted for property (which includes land acquisitions and construction and upgrades of buildings, such as sporting pavilions) and $2.89m for plant and equipment.

The draft budget includes $27.89m for asset renewal and upgrade projects, including $4.74m for road renewals (resurfacing, re-sheeting and resealing) and $6.20m for road upgrades; a total of $9.50m for building upgrades and renewals; and, $1.9m for plant and machinery replacement.

It also includes $28.78m for new projects including:

Land acquisitions $6.24m James Bathe Recreation Reserve $5.57m McGregor Road and Pakenham Bypass interchange upgrade $3.0m Lang Lang recreation facility $2.7m Comely Banks reserve pavilion $2.5m Koo Wee Rup High School sports facilities upgrade $2.02m Bunyip soccer facility $1.08m.

Additionally, $4.02m has been budgeted for expansion projects, mainly related to buildings.

Community services are planned for in the operating budget, including the following net budget allocations:

Aquatic and Recreation Facilities $797k Child and Family Services $736k Community Recreation $1.29m Libraries $2.21m Maternal and Child Health $1.57m Youth Services $1.03m Community Development $1.44m Family and Community Services Management $416k Social and Community Planning $1.21m Economic Development $622k Safe and Inclusive Communities $1.27m

Allocations for the environment are also budgeted, including net budget of $957k for the management of natural and cultural resources in the shire, $347k for maintenance and programs, and $193k for weed management.

General rates in 2019–20 will increase 2.5 per cent, in line with the Victorian Government’s rate capping policy. The residential garbage charge will remain unchanged from last year at $283.70 and the green waste charge will increase marginally from $117.00 to $123.16.

Cr Ross said Council’s strategic planning framework is designed to deliver key outcomes for the community in a financially sustainable manner, and he welcomes the community’s feedback on the draft budget.

The draft amended Council Plan and Strategic Resource Plan are also available for public comment. These documents outline Council’s vision for Cardinia Shire and strategic plans for achieving this vision.

Provide your feedback

Copies of the draft 2019–20 Budget and draft amended Council Plan are available for inspection at Council’s Customer Service Centre, Siding Avenue, Officer, between the hours of 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Copies are also available for inspection:

online at Council’s website – www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay at the Cardinia Shire Civic Centre, 20 Siding Avenue, Officer at the Pakenham Library (John Street, Pakenham), Emerald Library (corner Beaconsfield-Emerald and Belgrave-Gembrook Roads, Emerald), and the mobile library.

Feedback must be provided in writing and must be received by Council before 5pm, Wednesday 15 May 2019.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be delivered to Council:

Council will consider all written submissions received by 5pm, Wednesday 15 May 2019 at a Special Council Meeting on Monday 27 May 2019, in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

Anyone wishing to speak in support of their submission in person at the Special Council Meeting must indicate this in their written submission.

Council will then consider a recommendation to adopt the Budget and Council Plan, with or without amendments, and declare rates and charges, at its ordinary Council Meeting on Monday 17 June 2019.

For more information, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay or call 1300 787 624.

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