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News category: Business & InvestmentCouncil & CouncillorsGood news/highlightHave Your SayMedia ReleaseYour Neighbourhood

Perceptions of Campbelltown are outdated and out-of-step with the good things happening here according to many of those taking part in the city’s rebranding project consultations.

The project has had a huge response, with several hundred people submitting surveys or taking part in community workshops and discussions since February on how the city should be represented.

The City Identity and Branding Project is being conducted to promote the unique identity of Campbelltown, to attract jobs and cultural investment and to dispel inaccurate views.

The next stage will involve getting community input into the development of draft visual representations of Campbelltown stemming from the consultation’s findings, which will take place on 8 May.

 “The response to the rebranding consultation has been overwhelming, and incredibly positive, with hundreds of people detailing what they like or would change,” said Mayor George Brticevic.

“This is an exciting project and I would encourage everyone to stay engaged because this is about how we see ourselves and have pride in where we’re from and who we are,” said Cr Brticevic.

“The more people that take part in these consultations the closer we will get to expressing the true identity of Campbelltown,” he said.

“No more tired old clichés about the area. We love this city and we want everyone else to know what a great place it is to live and work in.”

The consultation, which is being carried out by independent branding agency Principals, has included surveys, vox pops, drop-in information sessions, workshops and one-on-one interviews with key community and business figures.

Residents, businesses and visitors cited a ‘genuine’ and ‘dynamic’ community spirit, creative thinking and environmental treasures such as rivers, green space and wildlife as the key benefits of the area.

But many thought the reality of life here exceeded expectations because of a ‘confidence deficit’ that had hindered people openly talking about Campbelltown with pride.

A number of draft concepts are being developed as a result of the first stage of the consultation and the public will be encouraged to provide input into the symbolic representation of Campbelltown through a new survey and more interviews during May.

Community workshops with those who participated in the first round of workshops are scheduled for 8-9 May, as well as a meeting with the local Aboriginal Reference Group.

A survey asking for feedback is likely to be sent out in May

To attend a community workshop, register for your preferred session at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CCCMayWorkshop

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