Old Eden Hill Shopping Centre Site Update
Town of Bassendean 29 Apr 2019

The long awaited concept plan for the old Eden Hill Shopping Centre site on the corner of Morley Drive East & Ivanhoe Street has been submitted by the property owners. The lot is zoned "local shopping" and the plan is for mixed use development including residential, retail and food & beverage outlets. The developer's intention is for a supermarket to be the anchor tenant on the site.

This property has been in a state of decline for more than 20 years and Council has been encouraging its development to improve the amenity of the area for the Eden Hill community. We recognise the need to ensure that a good outcome is achieved for any development in this location and would therefore introduce design guidelines and conditions for approval in order to facilitate this. There is also an intention to impose a time-frame for development in an effort to prevent the site from remaining in its current vacant and derelict state.

In addition to the large privately owned lot, the concept plan incorporates the small lot on the corner of Ivanhoe & Morley Drive East which is owned by the Town of Bassendean. In order for the proposal to proceed the Town would be required to sell this parcel of land. We will therefore be seeking to determine the level of community support for the disposal of the Town's land in order to deliver the form of development illustrated by the concept plan in advance of a decision being made on the sale of the Town owned lot.

In order for our community to give fully informed feedback on the proposal, prior to the formal consultation period a future report will be brought to Council addressing: 

the proposed purchase price of the land; how good quality design and development will be assured; Council's desire to retain significant trees on site; arrangements to ensure development occurs in a reasonable timeframe; & any other information required to allow a proposal for the land to be sold by private treaty.

- Originally published to Facebook 23 April 2019 by Mayor Renée McLennan

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